Eko One 018 Cutaway Electro Natural (wide Finger Board)

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The ONE 018 CW EQ guitar, in addition to its extremely attractive aesthetics given by the 018 CW Eq shape, has some unique features that are not found before: the 46mm fingerboard width at nut (the standard is 43mm), the 57mm bridge string spacing (54mm standard) and a scale lenght (diapason) of 630mm (650mm standard).

A wider fingerboard, a crossover between an acoustic and a classic guitar, with extra spacing between the strings which facilitates fingering, as well as the string bridge spacing which allows you to play arpeggios easily; the short scale makes the guitar more playable.

The series is based on the most successful Eko Shape: the 018 CW derived from the EVO 018 CW, commonly called "American Cutaway". No compromise in terms of amplification with the Fishman Isys 301 preamp, with onboard tuner. The ONE series is the perfect trait-d'union for learning to play guitar and performing live.