Harmony Central (US) January 2019
Hailing from the other side of the pond, Danish effects titan Carl Martin certainly knows how to make a great chorus pedal – their Chorus XII has long been a favourite of pro guitarists, and their Classic Chorus was well-liked too. And now they’re released a new chorus pedal – the Carl Martin Atlantic Chorus. But as they themselves ask, does the world really need yet another chorus pedal?
The answer to the question posed at the start of this review is certainly a matter of opinion; if you already have a chorus pedal that you really like (such as Carl Martin’s own Chorus XII), then you probably don’t really care that there’s a new option available on the market. But for those who don’t already have a good chorus, this is certainly a pedal that is worth considering and checking out for yourself. It won’t take up a bunch of space on your pedalboard, and it’s certainly an attractive looking pedal with its distinctive looking two-tone anodized metal body. The sound is warm and spacious, and the Level control lets you put the chorus right where you want it in the mix without suffering from level drop when you kick it on like some other chorus pedals do. Even the Rate control is quite useful and will help you get the depth of pitch modulation and the balance between traditional chorus and pitch vibrato that you’re after.